Digital Workshops

Digital Thumbprint Facilitator presenting workshop on stage.
Teacher happily helping student with activity on iPad.
Two Young Women enjoying time together on their mobile phones.
Digital Workshops
Our digital interactive workshops, built by our friends at Kimberlin Education, provide teachers with flexible delivery options for student-led learning or in-class delivery. Easily add and monitor progress for all your classes in these curriculum-aligned the workshops.



Teacher happily helping student with activity on iPad.
Our Digital Workshops
Young school boy concentrating on the Year 3 to 6 Digital Interactive Workshop Modules.
Years 3-6
Designed in 15-minute parts, these workshops include engaging achievement badges and comprehensive teaching guides to support all learners.

Young school boy concentrating on the Year 3 to 6 Digital Interactive Workshop Modules.
Keeping my information private online
(Years 3-4)
  • Part 1 focuses on learning how to create safe passwords.
  • Part 2 explores how information can be compromised by hackers and how to ensure safety online.
Staying safe on games and apps
(Years 3-4):
  • Part 1 helps students navigate pop-ups, in-app purchases and chatting online.
  • Part 2 looks at the viral nature of social media and how to safeguard personal information on games and apps.
Cyberbullying and Respectful Relationships
(Years 5-6):
  • Part 1 supports students to understand behaviours that are respectful and those that are not.
  • Part 2 explores online behaviours relating to cyberbullying, where to get help if they or someone they know are being bullied.
Protecting your personal information
(Years 5-6):
  • Part 1 supports students to learn what personal information is, and actions to take to protect themselves from identity theft and scams.
  • Part 2 provides further learning on scams, the dangers of over-sharing, and what to do if their social media account or gaming account has been hacked.
Young girl happily sitting on her skateboard whilst listening to music on her phone.
Years 5-8
Students can work through quizzes and activities at their own pace, supported by teachers or peers to put their learnings into practice.

Years 5-8 workshop topics
Cyber Security (Years 5-8): Students explore how our personal security can be compromised online and the steps we can take to ensure our safety.
Cyberbullying and Respectful Relationships Online (Years 7-8): Students practice techniques to maintain respectful online. Understand the social and legal impacts of cyberbullying, image-based abuse, sexting and how to seek help.
Digital Discernment (Years 7-8): Discover how to check for reliability when accessing online resources and understand that not everything online is a true representation of reality.
Digital Identity (Years 7-8): Students explore their own and others’ online brands and identify differences in the way these relate to real life.
Digital Balance (Years 7-8): Students examine their own online habits and explore how restoring and maintaining a balance between the online and offline spaces can support them in their lives.
Workshops can be accessed on a range of devices – we recommend a tablet or laptop, or digital whiteboard, for the best experience. Please note, the workshops are not supported on Internet Explorer.
Our Facilitated Workshops
Young girl smiling at what she is watching on her iPad.
Cyber Security
Learn how to be safe and secure on social media, online games or websites.
Two Young Women taking a selfie together.
Create a positive and authentic image online.
A young woman in deep focus on her laptop.
Digital Discernment
Explore how what we see and hear online affects what we think, feel and do.
A young man laying comfortably on the sofa, happily smiling whilst on his phone.
Digital Identity
Make the most of your time online – personally and professionally.
A young woman happily working on her laptop outdoors.
Digital Identity
Improve your digital wellbeing and use technology in a meaningful way.

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